Lead Me Father Project

"Lead me, Father” is a prayer to God our Father which we, at 922, desire to see offered up from the lips of every spiritual leader in every home – leaders to whom God has given precious souls to disciple, our very own children. May the Lord direct every head of every household not only to pray these words, but to live out the answer to such a prayer for all who are under their care!

The Lead Me Father project is our ministry of equipping fathers and mothers to fulfill their ultimate callings as parents (Deuteronomy 6:4-9; Ephesians 6:4). As a church, we recognize from Scripture that no one compares to you regarding your influence over your children. No one can disciple your children in Christ like you. The church can inform, but only you can impress the love of God on the heart through your family’s culture, your own model, and through your everyday words. This is by God’s design (Genesis 1-2).  How true it is that children are a chip off the old block - of parents, not pastors or teachers! Like father, like son! Like mother, like daughter!

At 922, we recognize and honor your high calling as parents, and so we are here to serve you whether you are a single parent or a married couple, whether you have a blended family or traditional, or whether spiritual roles in the family have been clearly defined or not. We seek to meet you wherever you are at and equip you to live out God’s design as we recognize the special roles both fathers and mothers have to play.

Thanks for connecting to this page.  The first step for this project is to set up a time with Pastor Bill (email below) where he’ll cover a possible approach for your family to get more into the Scripture at home.  In the meantime, check out a couple of the resources below to further yourself along in the “Why” and “What” behind the need for this project and the essence of the prayer, “Lead Me, Father as I lead my family!”

Schedule a Lead Me Father visit by emailing Pastor Bill at  pastorbill@922ministries.com.


The Importance of Family Discipleship: